Sunday, May 30, 2010

2010 Summer Reading Programs for Students

I really thought that Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid would be the BN theme, but Rick Riordan is the man of TWO years. I wish they had this program when I was a kid.

2010 Summer Reading Programs for Students

Kids who read over the summer can look forward to public library summer programs and activities. They can also earn free books from Barnes and Noble.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Use the Spill Cam to Show Students BP's Oil Spill Response

The oil spill is so depressing.

Use the Spill Cam to Show Students BP's Oil Spill Response

On Earth Day, teachers focus on environmental responsibility. Oil spill video feeds show responsibility gone awry. Bill Nye evaluates innovative solutions.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Embrace Gifted Education Strategies to Fill Public Schooling Gaps

Embrace Gifted Education Strategies to Fill Public Schooling Gaps

For gifted education to work well, public schools should incorporate different service approaches for students. Eagle County demonstrates what works.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Meaningful, Real Life Proofreading Project for Gifted Students

Editing is peaceful for me, so I love helping out Gutenberg. We talk about the need for service learning and real life application. This has it all.

A Meaningful, Real Life Proofreading Project for Gifted Students

Teachers should encourage students to use their proofing skills to improve Project Gutenberg's books. Readers everywhere will benefit from such a project.
The copyright of the article A Meaningful, Real Life Proofreading Project for Gifted Students in Gifted Education is owned by Alex Sharp. Permission to republish A Meaningful, Real Life Proofreading Project for Gifted Students in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

Online Education Degrees in Gifted and Talented Education

Online Education Degrees in Gifted and Talented Education

Teachers have options for getting G/T certifications. Certificates and masters of arts and science degrees are available from two respected universities.